Celebrate finalization of Henro pilgrimage



On November 28th I visited Mount Koya to formally finish the o-Henro pilgrimage. I had  visited Koya-san a few times before. It is a spiritual location and also visually very appealing.

On November 30th Christiane and I were invited by Ikuyo-san and Kenji-san to celebrate my successful finalization of the o-Henro pilgrimage at their house. Ikuyo and Kenji very very supportive during my journey for which I can not thank them enough. 

They gave to me a Daruma doll as a present which now stands in our house as one memory of an exciting trip to Japan

Ikuyo and Kenji, big supporters of my journey

Celebration at Ikuyo and Kenji's house

I got a Daruma as a present

Ikuyo-san prepared a wonderful buffet for all of us

The Daruma doll is standing for good fortune. The eyebrows of the Daruma are formed by cranes and the beard by turtles. Both animals are representing longevity. Personal wishes are written in gold on the Daruma (e.g. accomplishing goals are written on the shoulder).
A famous saying is "the Daruma falls seven times and rises up eight". The balanced center of the round Daruma body symbolizes a way of Zen thinking, where fortitude and calmness enable the handling of any hardship. 


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