Day 2: physically even more exhausting than day1

Distance: 26 km (total up to now: 48 km); time on the road; 9:30 h; altitude 250 m, sunny at 32 degrees Celsius; some valley breezes provided occasionally some relief. 

That was the most exhausting hiking day I experienced in the last 5 years. And the reason was just the sun and the heat. I am totally exhausted and almost unable to write some meaningful news. Also I need to prepare for tomorrows hike, where the altitude of more than 1000 m will be the challenge.

Breakfast at Anrakuji (T6): foreigners who are traveling alone are placed together at one table.

Breakfast at Anrakuji (T6) together with Stephan Kaurizinek from Austria, Corinne from The Netherlands and "Mr. Rothmann" from Austalia

Kirihata-ji temple (T10)

While I was and will stay overnight in ryokans, there are also simple „houses“ on the trail for people with little money to stay over night free of charge. 

Simple house for o-henro pilgrims to take a rest

The first snake on the street which however is dead

The area around Yoshino river close to Yoshinogawa City

It is very hot, much hotter than the picture suggests

Dinner at ryokan Yoshino (close to Fudjidera Temple T11). In the front of the picture you see Stephan and Jean-Michel later called the "French man", a professional photographer 


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