Day 4: I am tired

Distance: 20 km (total: 87 km), time on the road: 10h, altitude: 310 meters, sunny and only partly cloudy at 29 degrees Celsius and almost no wind.

I am so tired from the last 4 days and will sleep shortly.

I am tired

The private house we stayed in is just opposite to temple 17 and very nice. It has only four guest rooms. Just see todays party at the evening dinner. No one is younger than 60 years of age. The oldest (Matsubara-san) is 76. He walked o-henro more than 10 times and said, that he is famous because of that and will shortly be in TV.

Joint evening dinner with "the Frensh man", Matsubara-san and Kato-san

Entrance door of Temple 17

Start at 6:30 in the morning. It goes steep up into the mountains. Stephan ahead, he will disappear soon.

Dolls in Kamiyama

0n the resting bench you can see the water stains from my wet trousers (from sweating)


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