Day 28: an unprotected car tunnel, a snake and the beautiful city of Ozu

Today I walked 22 km from Unomachi to Ozu. Most of this walk was along busy car streets. I had to pass a 1.2 km long car tunnel, where there was no sidewalk for pedestrians. Very scary. Later on, the same unprotected walk continued on the open street, where many trucks where passing by (see picture). One smaller part of the walk was along a quiet street, where I could observe a long snake. Don’t ask me about the name of this creature or if it is poisonous. I don’t know it. In any case I always assume the snakes are poisonous.

Car tunnel in the mountains (1.2 km long)

Busy streets, unprotected for pedestrians (Corinne walks in front)

Long snake close to the road

While the whole walk was not really exciting, I later had the pleasure to explore the town of Ozu and thus added 6 km to my todays walking distance: 28 km (total: 614km). The morning was foggy and cold at 12 degrees Celsius, during the day it got sunny and the temperature climbed up to 23 degrees Celsius. Altitude was 200 m.

Ozu is a historical city with many old houses:

The old town of Ozu

Ozu houses

Garyuin house, a national important cultural asset, also has a nice garden and a superb view on the local river:
Garyuin House

In front of Garyuin House

The rooms of the Garyuin House are openly connected to the garden

On the site of Garyuin House

This is a picture I like very much

Ozu castle

My tonights sleeping room


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