Day 29: the kaki fruit

Today I walked 32 km (total now: 646 km) from Uchiko to Tentsuki Guesthouse in the mountains. That was quite a task, since the altitude which had to be mastered on top of the distance was 700 meters. The day started with fog, the max. temperature during a sunny day was moderate at 20 degrees Celsius.

The motto of the day is the kaki fruit, which is currently harvested on todays way in many orchards, sold on the streets in front of private houses and also provided as a gift to pilgrims passing by.

For the non Japanese: the kaki fruit is similar to an apple with the appearance of a tomato of orange color. The taste is sweet and I personally like it very much. Since the fruit has s lot of vitamin A, it is also healthy food.

I took some photos related to the kaki fruit, during todays walk.

Harvested kaki fruits

Kaki fruits on the tree

Selling kaki fruits

After I had again issues (the upload of three pictures took 30 minutes each) with the internet (no real surprise in a remote location in the mountains) I will stop todays post here and will supplement it with additional information from this day, tomorrow.

Harvesting the kaki fruit

Farming mushrooms in the forest

Farming mushrooms

Remote mountain village

A o-Henro hut, where pilgrims take a rest


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