Day 30: the most appealing temple so far: Iwayaji (T45)

After a challenging walking day yesterday, today was no relaxation either. I walked from the Tenstsuki guesthouse  in the mountains to see T44 Daihoji and T45 Iwayaji to end in the guesthouse M. Hacchozaka in Kuma-kogen Town: 25 km (total: 671 km). The challenging part was the constant up and down and steep inclines on forrest trails: 920 m altitude had to be managed. In the morning it was foggy and already quite cold at 9 degrees Celsius. During the day it was sunny and a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius was reached.

For me temple Iwayaji T45 was the most appealing temple so far. The location in huge rock formations and the old cedar trees were just marvelous.

Iwayaji Temple (T45)

Iwayaji Temple

At Iwayaji

This steep ladder leads up to a cave in the rock at T45

The huge straw sandals which you can see at the main gate of Daihoji (T44) are remade every hundret years

Early morning fog in the woods

Early morning view from the mountains

Our host of last night 

The guesthouse looks like a Scandinavian house

...also inside, it is all made of wood


  1. Ich gebe Dir komplett recht - T45 ist beeindruckend, sowohl die Lage als auch "the intricate woodwork". Weißt Du, wie alt er ist? Und die Landschaft auf diesen Bildern fasziniert.
    Aber beeindruckend sind nicht nur Tempel und Landschaft. Du "bringst" Tag für Tag Deine 20+ km - spürst Du eigentlich sowas wie "Verschleiß" (Körper und Ausrüstung), auch in Anbetracht Deiner Höhenmeter, von denen ich ja weiß, wie Du sie angehst?
    Bleib gesund.


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