Day 34: the shortest post so far

Today I walked 29 km (total: 767 km) which were not very much exhausting (since the area was basically flat) from Matsuyama to Hojo. Only 60 meters altitude, nice sunny weather with morning temperatures of 12 degrees Celsius and a daily height of 22 degrees Celsius.

There is nothing to report about the two temples I have visited nor about the the way I walked today. I am back to the seaside and that is always nice.

I was sitting with the hostel owners until 8:45 p.m. which is long for my current way of living, therefore my post comes late today.

Hostel owners with their dogs

Before that, I could see the sunset from Kashima Island which you can visit from Hojo Harbour by ferry boat in a few minutes.

Ferry boat to Kashima Island

Sunset at Kashima Island

… I liked Cafe Train, which I passed  on my walking way. The restaurant allows a very nice view onto the seaside and every place was occupied at lunch time.

Cafe Train


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