Day 45: a rainy day in Tokushima; no walking on the o-Henro trail

My status as of today: the o-Henro walk is coming rapidly to an end: 5 temples remain to be visited, 2 days to reach temple 88 (end of o-Henro trail), 4 days to be back at temple T1 (where the journey started).

Today is the first time that I am not walking on the o-Henro trail at all. It is raining the whole day, sometimes more sometimes less. Certainly it is not a good walking day.

I strolled around the town, which I think has the most modern center of all Shikoku cities.

The castle of Tokushima is less impressive compared to the other ones I have seen before. This is also due to the fact, that many views are „destroyed“ by higher city buildings at the skyline. Despite of that it is a nice and quite park-like space in the center of a big town.

Tokushima castle garden

High buildings around the castle grounds „destroy“ the picture

Tokushima castle grounds

Tokushima castle entrance door

Tokushima castle tower


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