Day 31: walk safely!

„Walk safely“ is the advice of elementary school children to Henro pilgrims when descending out of the mountains down into the direction of Matsuyama. And actually it was a long steep walk down, with many small lose stones on parts of the trail. And here it happened the first time: I fell backwards on my but (shortly after I had taken the below photo), luckily without consequences. It reminded me, that something can happen any time which may end your journey. I was lucky so far (except the dog bite) and the pain level in the legs and the shoulders and knees was not relevant to be mentioned. Also, I was not suffering from blisters. 

So everything is good so far and I hope it remains this way until the very end.

Go savely!

Looking down from the mountains towards Matsuyama (the picture is not very good also due to weak long distance visibility, but it still gives an impression and if you zoom in, you can recognize the city, which I will reach tomorrow).

View from the mountains towards Matsuyama

Maple leaves are getting red already in the mountains (I guess „momiji“ will be most beautiful starting middle of November in most parts of Japan.

First signs of "momiji"

Joruriji Temple (T46)

Most interesting at this temple are 3 old Chinese Junipers ("Ibuki") which are estimated to be 1000 years old

Weather was cold in the mountains at 8 degrees Celsius in the morning. Later the temperature increased to 18 degrees Celsius. First it was sunny, later it got cloudy.
Altitude today still: 310 m (most of the way however was downwards from 700 m to 100 m).
Overnight stay: in Chochin-ya hostel very close to the temple. Here, no food is provided. Walking 2.6 km further ahead, there is an road side okonomiaki restaurant

Eating okonomiaki

Owner of the okonomiaki restaurant

Walking distance today: 27 km (total: 698 km)


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